CAll Now: 9422234732 | 9822193416
Dr Gaikwad Clinic Ahmednagars - Ahmednagar ,
Dr Gaikwad Clinic Ahmednagar established 19 years a go as a Paralysis Treatment Center in ahmednagar.
At Dr Gaikwad Clinic Ahmednagar we provide medicines & Treatment Thatt works on the root cause of paralysis, it works directly on nervous tissue . we provides physiotherapy to stroke patients in ahmednagarwith best treatment in ahmednagar,of individuals who had stroke or brain attack or brain haemorrhage and have neurological symptoms like not able to walk, facial weakness,muscle over activity (spasticity), balance & coordination problems,not able to stand independently,decrease self esteem and poor health. since 2010 provide various offers to the business professionals who need to promote their concern in the local directory(with in Ahmednagar).
In certain business directory, they post the contact details of the local shops and concerns for free of cost. In order to post few more details about the concern various offers and announcements, they need to pay a little to the concerned local directory sites. Similarly, by paying few more they can post photos, videos, catalogues, menus and can track and manage the business listings. They avail very many affordable advertising solutions to generate leads. The expertise technical team regularly upgrades the details and improves the services for the user there upon assures sizable leads for the business concerns.
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